Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety of goods on offer. 光是摆在那里的各式商品就让一些购物者晕头转向了。
Visitors will be impressed with the enormous range of collectable objets d'art on offer 特价出售、值得收藏的精美艺术品种类繁多,将会让参观者大开眼界。
One problem not mentioned is the unemployed may not have the skills to fill the vacancies on offer 一个没有提及的问题是,失业人员也许缺乏填补所提供的空职的技能。
Savings schemes are the best retail investment products on offer. 储蓄方案是现有的最佳零售投资产品。
Over the page you can read all about the six great books on offer. 在下一页上,你可以看到有关6本在售好书的全部信息。
There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer 正在为实现零部件标准化和减少推出的型号数量而努力。
Notwithstanding its unrivalled cultural influence, america has neither the political will, economic leverage nor diplomatic credibility to compete with what else is on offer. 尽管其文化影响力无以伦比,可是美国无此政治意愿、无此经济杠杆,也无此外交信用度和其他收购的国家相竞争。
I love trying out the different fragrances on offer. 我喜欢去试用免税店提供的各种香水。
US-listed Chinese companies would be more familiar to Chinese investors than many of the other instruments on offer. 相比其他许多可投资的工具,这些投资者可能更熟悉那些在美国上市的中国公司。
Did you participate in any of the activities that were on offer at the hotel? 你参加旅馆里提供的任何种活动吗?
Demand was more than three times the amount on offer, signalling growing investor confidence in bank debt. 投资者的需求超过出售数量的3倍,表明投资者对银行债务信心日渐恢复。
These are just some of the films on offer this week. 这些仅是本周上映的部分电影。
I bought these cups at the supermarket-they're on offer this week. 我在超级市场买的这些茶杯&它们本周削价出售。
The Scrum Alliance maintains a list of CSTs and all the certified courses on offer. Scrum联盟负责维护CST列表,以及可供出售的所有认证课程。
We know, too, that nothing better than the market system is on offer, however flawed. 我们还知道,没有什么比市场体系更好的东西,无论市场体系存在什么缺陷。
Rarely have there been so many different visions of the future on offer. 对于未来的愿景,很少如眼下这样各不相同。
For the second time in the club's history, the team can win every honour on offer. 球队可以赢得所有他们可以赢得的荣誉,这是俱乐部历史上第二次出现这种情况。
The choice on offer, for example, includes Dior Homme Sport and Prada's Infusion d'Homme – both of which were launched this year. 例如,它们提供的选择包括迪奥桀傲运动香水(DiorHommeSport)和Prada的Infusiond'Homme,这两款香水均于今年推出。
Third, there should be some choice in terms of the tenor of the bonds on offer. 第三,可以就债券的年期提供一些选择。
At the picnic, her children gobbled up all we had on offer. 野餐时,她的孩子们狼吞虎咽地吃掉了我们摆出的所有食物。
Small, I believe. Moreover, rather better alternatives are on offer. 我认为很小。此外,还有一些比这更好的选择。
A new and cheaper method of doing this analysis, though, is now on offer. 一种新的且成本又低的研究方法正在试验当中。
Please see below for a full list of activities and facilities on offer. 请参阅下面的完整清单,活动和设施所提供的。
And if the only help on offer to you is disapproving, reluctant or limited, take it anyway. 如果你被提供的唯一个的帮助是被反对的,你不愿意的或者受制约的,不要管,尝试去采纳它。
Tea and coffee are often on offer and children are being made more welcome. 茶和咖啡经常有售,儿童也受到更多欢迎。
It was unclear last night whether such government support would be on offer. 昨晚尚不确定政府是否会提供这种支持。
Near-zero interest rates make the yields on offer from property look attractive. 近于零的利率使得房产提供的收益看起来很具吸引力。
According to the theory, in a free market, millions vote in a perpetual referendum on the countless products and services on offer. 根据这一理论,在自由市场中,成百万人就无数的待售产品和服务进行不间断的公投。
It initially opted to establish a presence in the capital's BDA site due to its perception of the quality of the environment and the excellent support for businesses on offer. 它最初选择了建立在首都的北京经济技术开发区网站由于其对环境和为企业提供出色的支持对质量感知的存在。